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Class Information 

Our Class Expectations

Respect Each Other

Be Responsible

Try Your Best

Be Safe

​Take Home Folders
Please take all papers from Take Home Folder out each day and place any school notes in

your child's folder that needs to be returned to school.

Snack and Water Bottles

We eat lunch between 12:00-12:50 each day so we will have a mid-morning snack around 10:00.  

If you are sending a  snack from home, please use only the snacks that are approved on the Ivy Hall

School website's "Safe Snack" list.  Please also send the appropriate utensils needed for the snack.

 You may send a water bottle with your child each day. The water bottle will be kept in his/her cubby

and they will have access to it when needed.

Ice Cream

​​Ice cream is sold at lunch each Wednesday. The cost is $1.00. Please send ice cream money in a bag inside your child's lunchbox or in a bag with his/her name or it in case the money is misplaced.

Library Books

Your child will be able to check out two books from our school library each week.  In order to check out new books, they will need to return their previously checked-out books.


Birthdays are such a fun celebration! If your child would like to celebrate his/her birthday with the class, please feel free to send in a treat that is non-edible such as sticks, bubbles, etc. For those children with summer birthdays, we would love to celebrate their half birthday. Please contact me to schedule this special time.


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